Saturday, November 14, 2009

From: "DG-6200 Greg Landry"

To: "'ed mattson'" , "'Ron White'"

RE: Louisiana Emergency Medical Units -

Our District is doing publicity and fundraising to supply a dedicated pediatric treatment trailer.

Thanks for all your help, it is my District that will someday directly benefit from all your hard work.

Gregory L. Landry
District 6200 Governor, 2009-2010
1020 Surrey Street
Lafayette, LA 70501
(337) 237-4320, x111 [work]
(337) 237-1323 [home]
(337) 255-7352 [cell]

Thursday, October 29, 2009

To the Humanitarian Network--Ron White Software Development Director, and RTN Ed Mattson

Thank you for following up so promptly in regards to this project. It was wonderful speaking to you, and hearing about all of the great things that the Humanitarian Network is making possible.

As for the specifics to this project, they are as follows: The entire project will yield 1200 boxes of shoes, that contain approximately 65 pairs of shoes in each. The boxes are 21x21x26, and weigh approximately 80 lbs each.We are anticipating reaching the goal by the end of March.They will be put on pallets in our storage warehouse.

They would need to be picked up on Kansas St. in Worcester, Ma, and delivered to Soles for Souls Worldwide distribution Center located at 315 Airport Rd, Roanoke, AL 36274.

Additional information about this project, started by Alexander Diaz, can be found at, and Please feel free to contact me personally at (508) 615-3648 with any additional questions.

I also wanted to mention to you that this project is being filmed by a student from the Institute for Art for a documentary. Again, I thank you for your interest in this project!


Dawn Lang
Auburn Ma Rotary
Past President

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Our Work on the Humanitarian Network!

In response to the recent and seemingly "never-ending" global disasters in the South Pacific and Africa, the Connectivity Network was asked by Rotarians and non-Rotarian groups to increase awareness of the call for help. We were immediately able to send-out emails to out OPTED-IN email list, providers/suppliers of goods and service, and to Rotarians and non-Rotarian alike.

The initial response was slow in coming, but things finally clicked. Rotarians moved into action. Dr. Leigh Readdy from the Rotary Club of Northshore (D-5030) was the lead on the west coast, and was able to establish communications with Samoa, the Philippines and Hawaii. Because we already have an established relationship with the military in Hawaii and the Philippines (both areas are covered under our Network Partner Program with the National Guard Bureau of International Affairs State Partnership Program), we were able to get up to speed rapidly.

Working with other Network partners, CleanwaterUSA, Protor & Gamble, Reliance Products-Canada, and Project Hope, we have been able to move life-saving goods into the area. Rotarians helped out by donating funds for emergency water replacement systems which convert non-potable water to clean drinking water. One INTERACT CLUB raised over $2000 for the effort and Project Hope is making the delivery. Rotarians in their finest hour!
We now are back to working on our Hurricane Preparedness Program with District 6200 in anticipation of possible disaster related weather coming on shore this hurricane season or hitting the countries of Central America and the Caribbean down in Hurricane Alley. Those wanting to participate is this TRULY UNIQUE PROGRAM, please see:

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Subject: osteogenic sarcoma info

I am contacting you at the suggestion of Bill Suidmack ( Rotarian ). My inquiry has to do with my 13-yr old daughter. She was diagnosed with osteosarcoma of her left femur in Jan of 08. She has been through numerous rounds of chemo, leg salvaging surgery and an eventual amputation. Over the last 20 plus months she has also had several bacterial infections and intestinal adhesions, some of which have required surgery....most recently the doctors found many small lung tumors and has given her basically no chance at surviving the reoccurrence. She was being treated locally at Hackensack University Medical Center, but we recently visited MD Anderson Cancer center in Houston and they put her on a different chemo protocol that has had some success with one or two patients in her situation. Do you have any advice or information that may help us as we continue to seek treatment for our daughter.

My Response to the situation:
Watch this video on a new treatment:

I just downloaded a bout 200 pages of info to read including some good "stuff" on Rexin-G" a new nanotech gene therapy program that has been give "fast track" clearance for Osteosarcoma under the Office of Orphan Drug Development. I've had my eyes on this new product for sometime. I'll have dtails shortly, but I need to read a bunch. I don't have Bill Suidmack's e-mail so please include him with a copy so he's in the loop and knows I have followed up.

Has anyone mentioned using proton Beam therapy to you?

What chemo regiman are they using?

Have they tried any immunotherapy ideas yet?

Have they mentioned stem cell or cord blood treatment, even in passing?

I am on top of this and have located about 20 clinical trials for osteosarcoma. I need to read potential results to come upi with some suggections. meanwhile I'll contact Dr. Gordon on the rexin-G program. we have talked in the past so getting a hold of her should be realatively easy. More shortly...

RTN. Ed Mattson PHF (Cell: 630.440.7912)

Member, Romanian Association of Preventive Oncology
Board Chair, Rotarian Cancer Support Group
Member, Rotary Club of Mishawaka, IN - District 6540
Co-Chair, Rotarian Annual International Project Symposium and Workshop
National Membership Chair, Disaster Relief Rotarian Action Group-DRRAG

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Zone 31-32 Institute is just around the corner!

This is the NETWORK MATRIX which makes using the Humanitarian Network easy. All one has to do is simply click on a box and the matrix takes you through each step to an international project. Take a test drive at

Working with PDG-7230 Joe Clark and DGE-7230 George Camp we will be rolling out the new Humanitarian Network (or just NETWORK, for short). With the additon of the new NETWORK MATRIX, a network member can set-up an international service project in very short order. The MATRIX will walk you through every step you need to take to do a major project. There are seven areas covering 36 steps that are covered and easy to navigate:
  • Project Set-up
  • Project Country
  • Project Selection
  • NGO Partneres
  • Funding
  • Shipping
  • Documentation

"There is so much help from "those who have been there before", it's going to be hard to screw up!" Just to give you an idea of how good this program is, some of the comments we've received are...

"'s about time we had this kind of resource. We need to put it to work for our Rotarian Action Group" PDG Ron Denham, Director, Water and Sanitation Rotarian Action Group

"I encourage you to carry-on in the Jim Johannsen tradition (Hands Across the Sea program), and get it in the hands of all Rotarians" PRID, PDG-7170 Dr. Bill Cadwallader

"Man, do we need this program" PDG-5730 J.B. Roberts

"We want the first Virtual Project in our district" PDG-7230 Joe Camp

"We need to get you to come to our Zone Institute in Florida" PDG-6920 Kenan Kern

"This will be more valuable than grant money to most clubs!" PDG-7620 Rob Ketron

Saturday, July 25, 2009

"ed mattson"

Thanks so much for the awesome meeting. You, my friend are really and inspiration and make me feel so proud to be a Rotarian!

Thanks for all you do to make the world a better place.

Warm regards,

Karen FitzPatrick, President
Rotary Club of Middletown

"John and Arlene Hamilton"


PDG Tom and Ginny Ryan with John Hamilton
Ed, Thanks for the interest. The information you provided was very helpful in making my decision to go with the DaVinci method. I signed into the hospital at noon on a Wednesday and was released at noon the next day. There were no particular side effects and within a couple of weeks after the catheter was removed everything was OK. Except sometimes sex needs a little help but the level is OK with us.

Although the cancer was at minimum levels and hadn't spread it was pervasive throughout the prostate. At age 65 watchful waiting or some other options did not seem reasonable.

It's been over two years and PSA is zero so all is well. Thanks again for the information and interest. John Hamilton

Rotarian from Croatia seeking help

This is what we do, so we hope all Rotarians will use our Cancer Support Group if and when needed...
Saturday, July 25, 2009 8:52 AM
"Suncica Bulat Wuersching"

Rotarian Cancer Support Group

Dear Rotarian friend Mattson,

I will take the liberty to address you and ask for you assistance. Namely, I am past president of RC Zagreb Croatia, RID 1910 and my Dad is past president of RC Zagreb and assistant governor in our District. My Dad's wife was diagnosed with metastatic melanoma 4 months ago. I am a medical doctor myself and it is terrible to watch them struggle. We've been in touch with Dr Chapman in Sloan-Kettering Memorial Hospital in NY to seek help for Verica, born 1957 (42 years old), to receive an experimental treatment for melanoma. We've faxed all relevant findings and she was supposed to be included in the study. Although she fulfills all the criteria, suddenly they said she should live in USA for one year.

Since my Dad is a CEO of his own company, it is difficult for them to leave for so long. Otherwise, coming for regular treatment and check-ups is not a problem. I hope I haven't burdained you with our request for your kind assistance. But since it is a matter of survival, I will be so free to beg of you to try getting Verica in the study conducted in Sloan-Kettering Memorian if possible. Thank you very much for your attention. I remain, sincerely, yours in Rotary,

Suncica Bulat Wuersching, PP, PHF, RC Zagreb Centar.
Sent via BlackBerry from Vodafone


Dear Suncica,

I received your e-mail Saturday morning. I have a couple of very good contacts at MSLCC and will be glad to make a call on Monday to see what we can get accomplished.

I have a couple of questions for you regarding the clinical study....There are six clinical trials for melanoma listed in NIH database. I am familar with all three which utilize immunogical concepts, but I need to know which one is the one you are trying to enroll Verica? :
  • Phase 1 clinical study investigating PLX4032 (R7204). PLX4032 is a novel, oral and highly selective drug that targets the BRAFV600E cancer-causing mutation that occurs in most melanomas.
  • Clinical study of MOAB 3F8 with I-131 as the toxin in an immunologic setting
  • Clinical study of antibody responses with a KLH conjugated bivalent vaccine containing GD2 Lactone, GD3 Lactone with immunological adjuvant QS-DG or OPT-821

Who was the original contact person at MSKCC.

Ed Mattson

Board Chair, Cancer Support Group

Member, Romanian Association of Preventive Oncology

Dear Col Freytes and Col Biggs,

Good to hear that all is going well and that PP Deoraj is doing Rotary proud. Also that Rotarians are pulling out all the stops to ensure a very successful project.

I caught the interview on TV and the message was very clear and appealing. You should have a great turnout. With reference to Guyana, we have six (6) Rotary Clubs there totaling 230 members and my Assistant Governor is Keith Williams. He is the person with whom contact should be made. I have alerted him to the requests you’ve had and asked him to put together a small Committee to work with you and your Team.
His contacts: Home - (011-592) 231-7884;
Mobile - (011-592) 624-8894;
Email –

Please feel free to contact me for any further assistance. Thanks again for all the wonderful work you’re doing to make a difference in the lives of so many.


Astra Da Costa (Ms.)
District Governor 2009-2010
Rotary International District 7030c/o
20 Herbert Street, St Clair,
Port of Spain, Trinidad, W.I.
Office: 868-622-6753
Fax: 868-628-9634
Mobile: 868-689-0841
Home: 868-629-0208

Check out the below correspondence from the Rotary Club of Trinidad-Tabago...

Prindle, Clinton J, LCDR (L)Subject: Beyond the Horizons (BTH)_Trinidad & Tobago

I want to express, sincere thanks to the SOUTHCOM, the wonderful opportunity for Rotary Clubs of Trinidad to be involve with this current mission. The integration with the Rotary Clubs have been fantastic. Lt. Col Dennis Freytes and his XO Major Wayne Guzman, have gone all out to ensure there was full integration with the Civic Community, Governments, and opened the doors to all, to partner and participate in this mission.

Col.Beliner is currently working with the MEDRETE for Cataract Surgery being conducted at the Mount Hope Medical Hospital. The visit by Gen.Chang lead to talks with our Government and key stakeholders to look at the alleviation of over 5000 back log cases cataract and other needs in Trinidad andTobago. Mission-International, Lead by Dr. Brian Luchington, advisor to our Prime Minister Office, is responsible for coordinating the US Team, document approvals, custom and excise, ministry of health approval etc. they put everything together for these programmes to run smoothly.

I am hoping that Rtn. Robert Ketron, and our Rotary International Team of EdMattson, Dr. Leigh Readdy and others, will work towards the alleviation of the 5000 cases of cataract and other corrective blindness for Trinidad and Tobago in the upcoming mission over the next 2 to 3 yrs. As per attached e-mails, Col. Berliner will like to get an idea of there sources, equipment, funding etc, that we can bring forward to make the mission a joint effort, "Working together as One for the People of Trindad and Tobago".

One goal is that the stategic partnership with Rotary District 7030 (which represents 13 countries in the Caribbean including Guyana, Suriname, and French Guyana), and for Trindad to be an example nation to this Joint Partnership with SOUTHCOM and its Humanitarian Missions to the Caribbean. Currently the District Governor of Rotary District 7030 is from Trinidad, DG Ms. Astra Da Costa, to whom thise-mail is also copied. DG Astra, has given her support to the Partnership, so we hope to see this integration become stronger, with improved communications between all involved.

The contact here in Trindad via the US Embassy, is Chief Garrett Edmond. He has done a great job ensuring protocols are maintained and that there is integration of the local entities. As you know, Rotarians are people with resources and networking ability. They can make things happen. This economic turn-around strategic approach is for collaboration and partnership to serve, and to serve meaningfully, with the long term focus of our future, sustainable development and security to the region. Rotary as a non-political or secular entity can make a major difference in bringing the people of nations together to serve. I will be sending a complete report to Rotary International, Chairman for Humanitarian Service Rotary Action Group, Dr. Ed Mattson and will copy SOUTHCOM, through Rtn Dr. Leigh Readdy, for future reference, lessons learned, and recommendations.

RegardsDeoraj Beephan

CHAIRMAN, Civic Coordination Committee, US Army South PACCE Beyond the Horizon 2009Trinidad and Tobago.
Mobile: 868-680-6169
Fax: 868-221-7882
Member of Rotary InternationalnHumanitarian Service Rotary Action Group.
Past President 2008-2009, Rotary Club of Princes Town

Saturday, June 27, 2009

Ed Mattson's Speaking Schedule

  • To hear about "Rotary on an International Level", rated one of the best presentations on Rotary you'll ever hear, your club can schedule a program by sending an e-mail to or call 630.440.7912. For an informative BIO, references, etc, visit:
    Rock Point, NY July 7 NOON
    Southold, NY July 7 Dinner
    North Shore East Norwich, NY July 8 Breakfast
    Riverhead, NY July 8 NOON
    Amityville, NY July 9 Breakfast
    Pleasentville, NY July 9 NOON
    Freeport, NY July 9 Dinner
    New City, NY July 13 NOON
    Catskills, NY July 14 NOON
    Williston Park, NY July 15 Breakfast
    Ossining, NY July 15 NOON
    Ron Kon Komas, NY July 16 Breakfast
    Fair Lawn, NJ July 16 NOON
    Feasterville, PA July 21 Breakfast
    Glen Riddle, PA July 21 NOON
    Millbrook, NY July 22 NOON
    Flushing, NY July 23 NOON
    Cairo, NY July 23 Dinner
    Levittown-Fairless, PA July 28 Breakfast
    Port Chester-Rye, NY July 28 NOON
    Morris Town, NJ AM July 29 Breakfast
    Morris Town, NJ July 29 NOON
    West Reading-Wymissing, PA July 30 NOON

Thursday, June 25, 2009


Attached is the photo taken today with Pres. John McLellan at the Rotary Club of West Point held at the historic Thayer Hotel. We all enjoyed the presentation and wish you safe travels as you perform your good works.

Bill Stone

Check our website later at

Hi Ed,

Thank you so much for your presentation at the Highland Rotary Club this morning. I am a charter member of this club which started 25 years ago and I must say that your information and message today has never been heard before and I am willing to bet that not too many clubs in our district have heard it before (not including the clubs you will visit on this tour of our area). You bring a fresh look at what Rotary is to the Rotarian and how the Rotarian can make a difference in the world by using the resources Rotary already has in place. And you … well I’ll just say that you bring interest, energy, passion, and most importantly fun to the subject. You are informative and motivational and I know every member in our room this morning appreciated what you had to say and everyone learned something worth acting on.

For all of these reasons, as the 2010 District 7210 Conference Chairman, I would like to invite you to share your knowledge, enthusiasm and fellowship with us at the 2010 Conference. The dates are May 21 – 23, 2010. The conference is being held at the Heritage Hotel and Conference Center in Southbury , CT. I have attached the registration flyer for your information. Of course if you accept, you will not have to send any payment as you and Irena (sp?) will be our guest. Southbury is a beautiful, quaint little town and the Heritage is very nice. Sue Naglieri and I are working to make this conference more about the Rotarian and what we can and do accomplish. I think you would be an important addition to the conference. Let me know if it will work out for you.

On another note, there are three other things I would like to get information on. First I would like to know how to access the RCN site. This is the most amazing tool I have ever seen. Secondly, I would like information on the t-shirt project you showed us today. I agree with you that this could be a very good thing for our Ribfest. Lastly, you mentioned you could send some additional mosquito patches. Our family seems to be a delicious meal for mosquitoes so if you could send some more my way it would be appreciated. My home address is 36 S. Chodikee Lake Rd. , Highland , NY 12528 . If they work and you need a testimonial let me know.

Again, on behalf of the Highland Rotary Club, I would like to that you and your wife for all you do for Rotary and for making the effort to join us this morning.

Yours in Rotary,

Steven E. Laubach, AGA Region 2
Rotary Club of Highland , NY
P.O. Box 723
Highland , NY 12528

Monday, May 11, 2009

Honored with Paul Harris Fellow

While on a visit to the Romanian Embassy in Washington DC followed by a meeting regarding establishing support for several Rotarian international humanitarian aid shipments to Eastern Europe and the South Pacific, a brief ceremony was held at Union Station. After cornering Ed in the Main Hall, I was able to pin him down long enough to honor his volunteer serice in Rotary and his devotion to his Rotarian cancer patients by rewarding him with a Paul Harris Fellowship. For nine straight years he has driven the highways, crossed the seas, and even dragged along his wife Irina, in service to those in need around the US and the world. We have chased him for nearly two years before catching him in Washington during another important project meeting.

PDG-7620, Rob Ketron

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Speaking to Rotary Clubs pays off!

Rotary District 7890 is 63 Rotary Clubs is made-up of 2,700 members is in the northeastern part of the United States with about half the our clubs situated in the northern part of Connecticut and the remainder in the western part of Massachusetts. We enjoy living and working in this environment and welcome all those who would like to visit. My emphasis for my year as Governor will be: "what can the District can do to help you". John Dusza, District Governor '08-09

Dear Ed,

My name is Ed Forfa a member of the Pittsfield, MA Rotary Club in District 7890. You spoke to our club back in 2006. I could not forget your program. It was that good. If I recall correctly you look for used beds/furnishings to utilize across the country and internationally?

I run a nursing and retirement home and we are getting some new beds and furniture to replace existing. We would have approximately 6 electric hospital beds along with a variety of smaller dressers, nightstands, and wardrobes.

Please let me know if you still make arrangements for re-use if these items can be of assistance. They are in current use (operable) and the furniture is in good condition (we are just getting updating matching items for select rooms).

Thursday, April 30, 2009

Looking to retain or finding new members?

I received this e-mail this morning. I have never been one to ring my own bell as many of those who know me will attest. I hope to post an occassional letter like this to inspire clubs to book meaningful guest speakers. They can yield big membership dividends!
Copy:Ed Mattson
Re: Amelia Island Sunrise new member, Maryellen Collavo

Welcome to The Rotary Club of Amelia Island Sunrise. I am sure you will find Rotary a rewarding experience and the club a great group of friends. I have entered your basic information into our website and invite you to log-on to add more information. the site is used by the board for communication and provides a link between the membership.
The website is:
Your logon name is: maryellencollavo
Your Temporary Password is: ameliaislandsunrise
We are happy to have you as a member. Art Shuster
SecretaryRotary Club of Amelia Island Sunrise

Sunday, April 26, 2009

IntroducingEd Mattson

  • 100% Rotarian Volunteer
  • Member, Rotary Club of Mishawaka, IN D-6540
  • Member of the Romanian Association of Preventive Oncology
  • Medical Research Specialist
  • Published Author "Say No to the Undertaker...Winning Your Battle with Cancer" and "Total Vehicle Alignment in the Modern Unibody"
  • Board Chair, Cancer Support Group Helping Rotarians
  • Membership Chair, Disaster Relief Rotarian Action Group-DRRAG
  • Chairman, Annual Rotarian International Project Symposium and Workshop
  • Director, Rotarian Civilian-Military Initiative Program
  • Director, Project Support Center Fundraising Initiative Program

Why you need to book him to speak at your club, district conference, district and zone training programs…

Mr. Mattson has addressed more than 3000 audiences in 42 states and 5 foreign countries, including more than 20 district conferences, assemblies, and PETS. He is registered with more than a dozen Rotary District Speaker Bureaus as well as with the American Cancer Society (he has been awarded the Order of the Sword by American Cancer Society). Mr. Mattson has appeared on more than 15 radio and television talk-shows, and has been asked to lecture before several leading medical groups. His program titled, “Rotary on an International Level”, has been rated the top program by several Rotary Districts.

  • If your club is involved in international service projects, you need to hear this important program to find out all the support that's available through your fellow Rotarians:
  • How to integrate partner clubs to make projects easier.
  • How to utilize Rotarian Action Groups and Fellowships to make your projects simpler.
  • How to arrange for cost-effective shipping.
  • How to use Civilian-Military initiatives to have a greater impact with your mission.
  • Where-to-find the products you need for your project.
  • New fundraising ideas that work!
  • Assistance in looking for and writing matching grants.

Past RI President, Frank Devlyn • Past RI President, Glenn Estess • Past RI President, Cliff Dochterman • Past RI Vice President, Mike McGovern • Richard Abbott PDG 5240 • Sally Adelblue PDG 5240 • Ron Peterson DG 6110 • Bill Wilson PDG 7680 • Rob Ketron, PDG 7620 • Julie Boudousquie PDG 6740 • Ted O’Hara PDG 7190 • PDG 5150 Rus KetronPDG 6560 Jim Graham • PDG 6450 Brian Andersen • DG 6200 Greg Landry• DG 6980 Carlos GiraldiDG 6970 Bill Griffin • DG 6990 Marcy Ullom • PDG 6110 Jack Maxwell

Comments from the listening audience and fellow Rotarians...

"I ran out of options for my patient. After hear Ed speak of a new cancer treatment, I looked into it and told my patient. So far so good,,, he's still alive today!" Dr. Sowelson, Key Biscayne

“The most informative program we have ever had at a meeting” Dr. Dwight Schuster, Indianapolis, IN

"I heard Mr. Mattson's program I took his business in case we ever needed his help. Thanks to his efforts, when our daughter, Sadie, needed help for Neuroblastoma, we enrolled her in a new treatment protocol which he brought to our doctor's attention. Sadie is alive today". The Davidson Family, Texas

"What I learned from reading Mr. Mattson's book, Say No the the Undertaker, gave me the information I needed to save my life in my battle with prostate cancer" Rick Montany, President, Rotary Club of Winter Garden, FL

“The information we received on umbilical cord storage from Mr. Mattson’s talk, saved my son’s life. Mr. Mattson arranged for Nicholas to receive a cord blood transplant at St. Louis University Hospital” The Welch Family, Illinois

“Mr. Mattson presents complicated subjects in easy-to-understand language” E. L. Wilkins, Lapeer, Michigan

“Mr. Mattson’s organization arranged for my son to receive an experimental treatment at Memorial Sloan-Kettering Hospital, which saved his life” Nikki Chaimove, Atlanta, GA

“As a surgeon with multiple sclerosis, I would not be able to continue operating without the Betaseron I have been able to receive through Mr. Mattson’s organization” Dr. Michael Stetzka, Pediatric Academy, Kiev, Ukraine

“A friend heard Mr. Mattson speak in North Carolina and asked for his help for our daughter. Though she eventually lost her battle with medduloepitheilioma the treatment Mr. Mattson arranged at Duke University for her very rare cancer, was an exceptionally valiant endeavor. Everyone else had given up on her, but thanks to Mr. Mattson and Rotary she had a chance and was able to survive much longer than anyone expected.” The Wright Family, Bradenton, FL

“Thank you Mr. Mattson and Rotary for the medical supplies you delivered this past year” Dr. Mirceu Oletanu, MD Bucharest, Romania

"Shipping ambulances into Mexico is no easy task. With the help of Mr. Mattson and his International Project Support Group, we were able to ship two ambulances to the heart of Mexico". Wolfgang S. Stuellenberg, Club Rotario Ezequiel Montes, Queretaro, Mexico, D- 4160, Club ID 7023

"Our shipment to Bolivia was hijacked and ended up in Chili. Thanks to Mr. Mattson's help in locating the container and getting the Mississippi National Guard and the US Embassy involved, we were able to retrieve the shipment and complete our club project". Dr. Jose-Marie Bozo, Rotary Club of Roseburg, OR D-5110